nginx 1.13.8 Release


Changes with nginx 1.13.8                                        26 Dec 2017

    *) Feature: now nginx automatically preserves the CAP_NET_RAW capability
       in worker processes when using the "transparent" parameter of the
       "proxy_bind", "fastcgi_bind", "memcached_bind", "scgi_bind", and
       "uwsgi_bind" directives.

    *) Feature: improved CPU cache line size detection.
       Thanks to Debayan Ghosh.

    *) Feature: new directives in vim syntax highlighting scripts.
       Thanks to Gena Makhomed.

    *) Bugfix: binary upgrade refused to work if nginx was re-parented to a
       process with PID different from 1 after its parent process has

    *) Bugfix: the ngx_http_autoindex_module incorrectly handled requests
       with bodies.

    *) Bugfix: in the "proxy_limit_rate" directive when used with the
       "keepalive" directive.

    *) Bugfix: some parts of a response might be buffered when using
       "proxy_buffering off" if the client connection used SSL.
       Thanks to Patryk Lesiewicz.

    *) Bugfix: in the "proxy_cache_background_update" directive.

    *) Bugfix: it was not possible to start a parameter with a variable in
       the "${name}" form with the name in curly brackets without enclosing
       the parameter into single or double quotes.